If you understand how major corporations save their Money and Infrastructures by keeping it in the RIGHT JURISDICTION, you will be surprised who you are relying on that does it, and because you’re able to do what you’re doing, it’s because they are doing that for their ability to maximize their presence and their growth abilities, to deliver you a FINE ASS PRODUCT. – do you want to follow their footsteps and what does “when you’re doing what you’re doing” mean? – It means that the pleasure you’re deriving from the corporation/group/entity that has maximized their strategies only exists because they are able to do so given their protective natures. Otherwise, they would be curtailed, and the technology essence that you’re smelling and tasting wouldn’t be so pure as to allow you to enjoy the finest of the finest. It would be limited because that extra money that was put into Research & Development wouldn’t have existed, and therefore, you would’ve had a shittier product and been slower to the game of receiving a technological advanced widget. Those who are responsible to use it in a proper way will stay on top and will continue to lead by example.